COVID-19 and civic tech: What the data revealed and how to evolve

Harish Rao

COVID-19 put the nation's digital infrastructure front and center as people flocked online for services they used to seek out in person—and the results weren’t always pretty. But what do the data actually show about what worked, what didn’t, and where we can go from here? Join I.F. founder Harish Rao for a dynamic presentation of Interpersonal Frequency’s Voice of Citizen® data, compiled from over 14 million people living in the U.S. He’ll unpack significant trends in how individuals interact with municipal websites, how their needs and patterns of use have changed because of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, and what all this means for users and the people who build and maintain these sites. A case study of I.F.’s partnership with the Washington, D.C. Attorney General’s office will show how digital firms can leverage the power of Drupal and reinvent government services for today’s reality using voice and text agents. These tools can simplify interactions and reach a broader swath of the population. Harish will also share his client-friendly punch list of actionable steps to immediately elevate user success for any site or service. If you’re interested in seeing the big picture, reimagining our digital infrastructure, and creating better digital experiences for everyone, this session is for you.


Leadership, Management & Business