Creating a Drupal Platform for the web corpus of medium to large-sized organizations


Many organizations have a large set of websites with very similar features and user experience. Those sites may target each country where it operates, different events or any other condition that may require a dedicated site. The organization may need to spin up a new site in a matter of hours to report about an urgent issue related to the organization or allow each own brand to create their own website to manage themselves without the burden of developing a whole new site.

This concept is an Organization Web Platform and can be achieved using Drupal multisite, configuration management and optionally a multi-profile approach. This platform would provide a set of common functionalities and look-and-feel while allowing the needed customizations for each site. This is great for medium to large-sized organizations because simplifies the development and maintenance of their web corpus:

- One single codebase to rule them all.
- Share configuration.
- Customize your snowflakes: only custom features have to be developed.
- Homogenize develop and maintenance process.
- A small team of developers can rule them all.

This talk explains how to create an Organization Web Platform using Drupal, what are the advantages and why can be interesting for an organization, approaches to successfully build the platform covering your user requirements and real examples of production platforms.


Development & Coding