DruxtJS 101 - Fully Decoupling Drupal


DruxtJS is a Bridge between frameworks, NuxtJS in the front, Drupal in the back.

Druxt is a:
- JSON:API client
- Nuxt module
- Vuex store
- Vue component library
- Open-source, modular javascript framework for building Decoupled Drupal applications.

Join the developers for a walk and talk through how to install Drupal, Nuxt and the DruxtJS Site to deliver a Fully Decoupled Drupal site with features including:
- Extensible Drupal driven Routing
- Entity/Field render system with Drupal Display mode support
- Blocks with region based placement
- Views with pagination, filters and sorting
- Menu and breadcrumbs

Documentation and information on Druxt and the available modules can be found at https://druxtjs.org or at https://github.com/druxt


Development & Coding