Engineering Your Sales Approach in the First Minute of an Intro Call

Joel Kepple

Sales may not be rocket science, but businesses would be better off if they treated it as such. While you can find a lot of organizational sales undergoing engineering-inspired advances nowadays (continuous improvement through A/B testing of messaging and landing pages, predictable revenue methodologies, data-driven decision-making), much less emphasis is placed on individual performance when it matters most: the first call with a prospect.

Is your approach free-form, consultative, no-nonsense and get-to-the-point? The truth of the matter is that all of these approaches work to a certain degree, but closing more business requires your ability to adjust and adapt to the buyer, choosing which approach is best, and doing so very quickly from the moment that intro call begins. Moreover, there is a recent and profound study that concludes the most-successful approach is none of these above, probably because it is just beyond the comfort-zone of most, and yet Engineers could find it to be the most fulfilling professionally, and maybe even fun!

This session is focused on guiding the non-Sales professional to start thinking about their personal sales acumen not as an innate ability, but rather as a skill to be worked at and continuously improved. We will briefly cover major methodologies, how to identify which approach should be used based upon the prospect's personality, and where to go for more information.


Leadership, Management & Business