The Enterprise Search you’ve been waiting for

Bryan Sharpe

With Coveo, your Drupal site can automatically learn and lift conversions with each personalized interaction. Harness Machine Learning for every single search interaction on your DrupalSitecore website and leverage that insight to deliver continuously better results and recommendations.

Until now, there has been no integration of Coveo with any PHP framework. With Coveo’s powerful AI search and recommendation capabilities, ImageX saw an opportunity to build a unique integration with Drupal. We have used the Drupal Search API module to build a Coveo backend using the Push API and Field API within Coveo. This allows switching Drupal search functionality seamlessly between technologies without the loss of common features such as facets or autocompletion. Having been built using the Coveo JavaScript/Push API, it makes this integration expandable to other CMS systems.
Using Drupal’s search API means that it doesn't matter whether you're using database, Agolia, or any other backend, you can have this powerful enterprise search in your site.

This session will take attendees through the importance of enterprise search and showcase the integration of Coveo and Drupal. Witness how easily your team can hook up fields and seamlessly switch from an Apache Solr backend to Coveo. Finally, there is an alternative to what is often an outdated system.


Leadership, Management & Business