Executive panel converts your data & facts to convincing stories

Dav Daath

You've been there. Cold sweat beads building on your forehead. Armpits feeling hot and sticky. 'Oh no, did I forget?' You think to yourself. You think back to your morning routine, then remember that you did put on antiperspirant. Phew. So why so sticky?

You get your answer from all the eyes looking deep into your eyes. Everyone's looking at you. You know the look. The look that screams at you, 'they didn't understand.' They see your eyes open wide in horror. To break the silence you ask, sheepishly, any questions? Crickets. Silence. You meet each person's glazed gaze one by one. 'Did she understands? Did he understands? Did they get it?' you ask yourself. Awkward silence.

You gave them all the hard facts. All the raw data. It all made sense to you as you poured your heart and soul into those slides. What's going on? Why isn't it clear for them?

Find out why.

Three technology executives answer your questions about how to convert raw data and hard facts into stories that convince.

Stories that tug on the heart of your boss, boss' boss, stakeholder, or client, to take action on what you propose. Hard facts and raw data is hard to digest. But everyone likes stories. Compelling stories with heart, emotions, feelings, characters, plots, metaphors, and themes.


Leadership, Management & Business