Full blown CI/CD for Drupal on self-hosted GitLab


Agile Drupal projects with state of the art quality assurance and stages for production, testing and multiple feature branches can only be operated with a comprehensive tool chain. If you also want to remain independent from policy changes of cloud providers, self-hosting is the way to go. This is not only possible but also advantageous. If you think, this is only for the big players, think again.

All the tools required are available as FOSS (free and open source software) and the installation, configuration and maintenance can be automated. At almost zero-cost you can boost the productivity of your Drupal team while increasing the services provided to you clients at the same time.

Developing best practices over a decade and building the infrastructure on publicly available components, we're now ready to demonstrate our solution and share it all with the Drupal community. Technology being utilized include but are not limited to GitLab, Docker, Ansible and Composer. The tool chain can be used by any Drupal agency, regardless where your Drupal sites are hosted.

This session explains the structure and how the components play together, demonstrates the solution in action and provides links to where the building blocks can be found to use them yourselves or to contribute to make them even better.

