Getting Drupal content into a Learning Management System


Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Canvas and Blackboard are ubiquitous tools used across all educational levels to consolidate content, track student performance, and engage with students. Frequently, content must be created with a specific tool, within the LMS itself. The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard empowers content creators to freely develop on other platforms but allows their content and tools to be available within a seamless LMS experience.

The LTI standard provides a consistent structure for integrating external content or tools with existing LMS's. A Drupal site can leverage contributed modules and lightweight customization to allow educators access to rich website content without leaving the familiarity, toolset, and structure of the LMS they already use. By configuring your existing site as an LTI provider, your content can be immediately available within several popular LMS's, without significant customization for each specific platform.


Higher Education Summit (April 20)