Google Cloud as a hosting platform for Drupal using Kubernetes


In this session, we are going to talk about how cloud computing and modern container orchestration systems are changing our world and helping in the Digital transformation so actual for enterprise companies nowadays.

Attendees of this session will learn about the cloud-based infrastructure for Drupal applications, containers orchestration system Kubernetes, and GitOps practices. How to build highly available, scalable, and cost-effective solutions in Google Cloud for hosting Drupal projects.

Thanks to the prime era of DevOps methodology, there will no longer be room in innovative companies for devs who can’t ops, or ops who don’t dev. It's a typical situation when DevOps engineers focus more on infrastructure-only tools and technologies than application-level details. We see the same case is valid for Drupal engineers who aren't familiar with Cloud technologies and modern concepts of building such cutting-edge solutions.

We will talk about:
- Containers
- Kubernetes orchestration system
- Google Cloud services
- Load balancing and scaling
- High availability
- Cost effectiveness
- CI/CD in the cloud
- GitOps

