How to Start Contributing to an Open Source Project


Open source projects thrive on contributions from users, and everyone - individuals, organizations, and enterprises - can meaningfully participate. The success of Drupal has always been its community, and there is a rich ecosystem of people and support mechanisms to help you become a contributor. In this talk, we will cover the many ways you can contribute, how to get started and be successful, and how your involvement benefits you, as well as Drupal.

The first step is figuring out where and how you want to contribute to Drupal, what opportunities are available, or what opportunities you can create - all of which may vary depending on your skill levels. There is something for everyone - coding, project management, graphic design, event management, documentation... the list goes on! Whatever your passions, there’s a place for you.

Next, we will go over contribution guidelines, provide examples, and highlight resources to help you get started in several different areas.

Lastly, we’ll discuss how you and organizations will benefit from getting more involved in an open-source community. For example, participation increases insight and awareness into Drupal - you’ll learn about new solutions and tools that can help solve problems and achieve your goals faster.

Ultimately, contributors learn and grow, and it will take your career to the next level. Also, you’ll meet amazing people, build lasting friendships, and have a lot of fun, too!


Drupal and Open Source 101