Implementing the Learning Tools Interoperability standard


Learning Management Systems (LMS), like Canvas and Blackboard, do not natively support in-line web content or tools from outside the platform, which means that to access Drupal content, a student or instructor has to leave the LMS and the useful tools that platform provides. The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard empowers developers to create tools for and deliver external content to LMS's, increasing the reach of content and putting content where it is already being consumed.

The LTI standard allows developers to support authentication, user management, and direct content access within certain LMS's without significant customization for each individual LMS. We will discuss relevant modules and project-specific custom development, as well as initial implementation considerations for several popular LMS's. By exploring a Drupal LTI implementation and the relevant Canvas app, we will identify the necessary technical components and configuration for a Drupal-LMS connection.


Development & Coding