Journey with executive who shares how to negotiate using stories

Dav Daath

'I know. Don't think I don't know. What you're building, will take my job.'

He whispers so quietly, so softly, quivering as he looks directly into your eyes. Time slows. Hours pass. He doesn't blink. You're both locked, frozen in time, frozen in space, frozen in thought. One thought. His job. The word job echos in your mind, distant yet booming. You heard his voice quiver, crack, to the point of a proud cry for help. So proud. So imperceptible. Infinite time let's you replay those words, over and over. Your mind picks apart every syllable, every intonation of his whisper. No, not a whisper. A whimper?

Oh, why me?

Everyone must convince someone of something. That's just life. Whether you have to convince your peers, your boss, your open source community, or your clients.

But some convincing makes your heart race like a horse, your eyes tear like monsoon rains, your throat dry like the Sahara desert. How do you navigate these gut-wrenching encounters, at work, with skilled professionalism, with high minded grace, with an eye toward win-win solutions?

Let's journey in the foot steps of this technology executive's tales of hardships and what he did to overcome them.


Leadership, Management & Business