Kill the Relaunch: There’s a Better Way

Kyle Letterle

A traditional website relaunch tends to move in a highly linear manner from idea to execution. This fails to leverage the creativity and technical insights that designers and developers can bring to website strategy, relegating them to being technicians rather than innovators.

There is a better way for everyone involved; site owners, agencies, stakeholders, buyers and more. FFW has been able to turn this old-fashioned approach on its ear by giving clients small starting engagements that lead to lasting relationships by leveraging continuous delivery.

This approach leads to an optimal environment for testing and research, truly understanding how users react to updated design and features and adapting the website experience based on these reactions. At the end of the day, the site audience has a better experience, the site owner accomplishes their goals and the agency has established a long-term partnership that can be a reliable source of work for years.


Leadership, Management & Business