Live previews at

juampynr is one of the Drupal sites with the highest amount of authenticated traffic. It has a lot of custom logic, several integrations with other systems, and it is maintained by the Drupal Association.

In this session I will share the journey of contributing to by adding live previews to core and contributed modules. It has been a joyful ride, full of fun challenges and productive conversations. It’s a pleasure working with the Drupal Association so with this presentation I want to encourage others to jump in and start contributing to make even better.

Developing for is different than regular Drupal projects. I learned how to set up a local, figured out a way to test my code, and configured XDebug to do remote debugging against’s development server.

We will dissect together the life cycle of a live preview and how they integrate with’s issues. Then we will explore tools that core and contributed folks have available in order to leverage live previews for their needs in the issue queues.


Core Contributions