Radical accessibility: Using voice agents for civic services

Harish Rao

Most of us have increasingly turned to online access when it comes to interacting with our government at all levels, whether we need to renew a license, pay a bill, or apply for a permit. The current global pandemic has only accelerated this trend, making online access not just convenient but essential. But for millions of people—those with certain disabilities, with low bandwidth or aging devices, or with limited time or technical savvy—going online to access public services can be a frustrating ordeal, if it’s possible at all. Join Interpersonal Frequency founder Harish Rao to see how using voice- and text message-based AI agents to power government interactions can remove barriers for access while also streamlining services. A case study of I.F.’s partnership with the Washington, D.C. Attorney General’s office will illustrate how I.F. uses a broad definition of accessibility, designed to counter the many ways that digital access can be hindered, to fuel innovation and continuous improvement across its Drupal-powered sites and digital services. By positioning accessibility as a cornerstone of great user experiences instead of as a niche requirement, it can inspire easier access to better public services for all. Harish will give you actionable insights and easy next steps to increase digital accessibility and, in the process, spark new innovations.


User Experience, Accessibility & Design