Setting up multi-dev environment using Kubernetes, Concourse CI, and JIRA

Leslie Uri Acuesta

In this session, we will share with you how we created a fully functional multi-dev environment (like one in Pantheon or Acquia) using Kubernetes, Concourse CI, and JIRA.

Kubernetes helped us to utilize the power of the data center we already have as well as to ensure that our stack is tailored to our needs and it works the same way locally, remotely, and in production.

Our Kubernetes stack includes the following containers: webhead (Drupal + PHP + Apache), MySQL, Redis, Varnish, Elasticsearch, Tika, Mailhog. We can add more containers as needed.

We going to help you understand how to use Kubernetes in daily life performing various tasks, such as development, code review, testing, and deploying to production. In particular, we going to cover the following topics:

* Creating Kubernetes stack using Docker and Kustomize.
* Setting up a local dev environment with the help of Tilt.
* Using Ahoy for task automation.
* Leveraging Kubernetes namespaces for multi-dev environments.
* Configuring continuous integration pipelines using Concourse CI.
* Getting ready for launching your stack in production.

Join this session and enjoy!

