Thorny Problems in Community Management


Since 2013, the Drupal Community Working Group (CWG) has been responsible for helping to foster a welcoming community for the project and upholding its code of conduct.

In this session, CWG founding member and former chair George DeMet will discuss some of the more challenging issues and problems the group has faced over the last eight years, such as:

Harassment of community members that occurs outside of designated "community spaces".

How to handle unreported incidents and information circulating on informal backchannels and whisper networks.

Issues involved with enforcing event bans across a global community.

Determining how, if , and when banned individuals are allowed to re-engage with the community.

The session will outline these issues at a high level and share some of the ways the group has worked to address these and other thorny issues that pose a threat to community health.


Community Health