Mobile, Drupal and India
As per Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends Report 2015, India “appears to be at internet penetration growth inflection”, as the top country in internet user additions per year. Mobile is huge here, relative to other countries. The trend is similar across the rest of Asia.
Mobile experience is now woven into the fabric of everyday life. Consumers take digital experiences with them everywhere, and interact with those experiences constantly. No longer simply a device or a channel, the intensely personal nature that mobile enables has caused consumer expectations to skyrocket.
Mobile is about self service flipped on its head. Mobile can inject service into the customer experience rather than wait for the customer to seek out via website. This has enabled the age of the customer, where customers expect:
- Immediacy
- Simplicity
- Context and personal experiences
The mind-shift is the expectation that I can get what I need at the location and moment I need it.
Dries in his State of Drupal keynote in Chicago said: "If I were to start Drupal from scratch today, I'd build it for mobile experiences first, and desktop experience second". I believe in that more than ever. Check out his keynote video below and pay special attention to minute 40:00 where he highlights mobile.
Drupal 8 has made a concerted effort to make Drupal a first-class mobile platform. With Responsive and Headless Drupal there are hundreds of applications already built on Drupal powering mobile apps and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
If you or your company have built or building omni-channel solutions, this is your chance to showcase your work, inspire and be part of the Mobile track introduced for the first time as part of DrupalCon Asia 2016.
The Mobile track will attract:
- Mobile strategists, product managers, mobile marketers and digital analysts
- Backend developers
- App developers
- Drupalers both Frontend and Backend developers
Please submit your session proposals now. Session submissions close on November 2nd, 2015.
You can find more information on Mobile track here.
Saumil Chheda
Mobile Track Chair
DrupalCon Asia