Art of Community Building - Lessons & Stories from India


Over the last 3 years, I have worked with 10 local Drupal communities in India and some other open source communities (jQuery, WordPress & DevOps). I’ve organised meetups, code sprints, DrupalCamps & conferences. Over time, I’ve realised that not all Indian open source communities function or operate the same way and they lack certain qualities of management that other mature open source communities, I’ve worked with have. While Indian open source communities can improve on some aspects, it’s important to appreciate how far we have come and what we’ve achieved over the past 7 - 8 years.

In this presentation I will talk about:

  • My experiences working with various communities

    • Stories of interest.

    • Amazing feats achieved by people.

    • Heroes behind the scenes.

    • Showcase by numbers, how Indian community has grown.

  • How different communities function

    • Leadership & Management

    • How are events organised within local communities?

    • Their common problems.

  • What these local communities need to work on and improve to be at par with other mature open source communities.

    • What are our shortfalls?

    • Why do we need to work on our shortfalls?

    • What can we do as a community together to overcome our shortfalls?

  • Initiatives for Drupal India community

Will conclude with a Q & A to help community members address their personal problems and try to seek solutions for the same.

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version