Decoupled Web Applications : Drupal 8 with AngularJS
The way we build and consume web applications is evolving rapidly as is the development of frontend driven, decoupled web applications. Drupal 8 is perfect to create completely decoupled backend for frontend driven web applications. It provides RESTful Web Services in core to expose entities and other resources as RESTful web API which can be used by any frontend framework. AngularJS is a popular web framework for building powerful, frontend applications using the MVC architecture.
The session will cover the following topics :
1. What is a decoupled web application
2. Pros and Cons of a decoupled system
3. Workflow for developing decoupled web applications
4. What is AngularJS and MVC
5. Get started with AngularJS and Drupal 8.
- Setting up the development environment
Tools : Drupal 8, npm, grunt, bower, yo.
- Configuring RESTful web services in Drupal 8
- Creating an AngularJS application
- Sample application using AngularJS and Drupal 8
- Enabling CORS.
Session format
The session will be a combination of presentation in which the above topics will be covered and a detailed demo of a sample application which is completely decoupled with Drupal 8 (backend) and AngularJS(frontend).