How funneled a sales pipeline of $1bn from their Drupal site? And got an award for the same.


The site was built in Drupal 6 back when Innoraft started working with HCL. We did quite a lot of things in the first year to streamline the management and deployment. But that was all RTB. We needed to do something different to raise the website to the next level as CTB.

We decided upon doing a few things and we ended up increasing the sales pipeline from the website to more than 200% of previous year. We will share some of the things that we did and our experience in implementing the same.

  1. Moved to Drupal 7 and made the site responsive

  2. Improved the UI / UX of all form fills and made them easily available

  3. Added multi-lingual support

  4. Implemented personalization based on industry, company and location on different levels

  5. Improved performance of the website

  6. Quick and easy provisions for running multiple types of campaigns

  7. Improved SEO Management

All of the above things had a critical role to play in increasing the sales. Having said that there were a lot of 3rd party services which were integrated as well.

The experiences in all of the above made us a better organization as we implemented almost everything in a way that it could be re-used and thus implement open source in its true sense.

We feel that sharing such learnings are part of community work and the audience will definitely take positives for their own projects.

P.S. Innoraft & HCL recently collected an award for the same at DMA Asia.

Session Track

Case Studies

Experience Level


Drupal Version