Passport for quality - how to manage day-to-day operations in a leading Drupal shop

Marie Chevallier

While opportunities are huge for setting up a good Drupal shop, it can seem daunting. Where do you start ? What do you need to do ?

Well the good news is it is definitly worth it !


This session will provide you with practical advice, tool and a step-by-step plan to build and run a smooth, scalable and profitable Drupal shop.


It will include :


-A checklist of key success factors. What is required to start a Drupal shop ?

-The challenges you will be facing,

-A guide on how to define a target operations model and list of key processes,

-The list of KPIs and implementation plan

-Tips and tricks on how to build a company structure and organisation, recruitment, HR processes and eventually corporate culture to ensure success

-Advice on sales approach : How to sell Drupal Expertise ? How to differentiate from competition ? How do we sell fixed price vs spent time ?

-And the next steps… towards operations excellence !



Marie will describe all along the session how much Drupal in itself is a big help towards operational success : backtracks, contributions, re-utilisation of modules and distributions… all contribute towards lean and efficient ops.


Adyax took this path 8 years ago and is now a leading drupal shop in the world, with a team of 250+. 


Come and listen, and share your experience !



Marie Chevallier is director of operations at Adyax, a leading Drupal shop with a team of 250+. Marie has 18 years experience in running operations and driving change in international environments. She has been a public speaker on numerous occasions in France and the UK on topics of change management. 

Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version