Speed up your team to Drupal 8

neetu morwani

With Drupal 8 being launched, biggest challenge companies are facing is to train people on Drupal 8. This session aims to make life of people simpler and get their teams to speed up on Drupal 8.

This session is divided into 4 main sections -

  1. Changes brought in Drupal 8 in comparision to Drupal 7.
    - Here, we will brief everybody about some major changes brought in Drupal 8. Example -Symphony framework ,twig, routing etc.
  2. Changes seen on UI.
    - Vanilla D8 instance is very different from vanilla D7 instance. Inclusion of major modules in core has increased the power of Drupal even more. Now major functionalities can be built with ease without any contrib modules. Few examples are Multilingual, Migration, Views. 
  3. IDE prespective.
    - I will be sharing my experience about the editor I used and I use while working on D8. PhpStorm is the key to success. Quick talk about how PhpStorm can help in speeding development considerably.
  4. Time to take the plunge into the code.
    - Dive into code of already implemented small exercise which will cover site-building, coding and theming concepts. 

This session aims to give focus and direction to people who haven’t yet started on Drupal 8 and help them from not getting lost in the maze of OOPS.

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version