One Person's Disability is Another Person's Superpower!
There are many of us that have "disabilities" - others call them ADD, ADHD, OCD, color blindness, even total blindness.... The are not disabilities, they are superpowers! They give strengths to see things others can't. Perhaps ADD makes you good at brainstorming? Maybe OCD helps you find tiny bugs no one else could find? Or (colour) blindness could open up a whole new world of information that no one ever thought of?
Let's have a talk on how you have experienced superpowers at work, either as the empowered one or also if you have witnessed! Or if you want to learn how to make the best of our human aspects at work?
When & Where
Tuesday, 5 October, 2021 - 09:00 to 09:45
Hopin - Room BoF A