A Sustainable Approach Drupal Contributions

Mohit Aghera, Piyuesh Kumar

Contributions to OpenSource are always rewarding.
At QED42 we’ve always put more emphasis on meaningful open source contributions. This helps us to plan long-term commitment to the Drupal project and helps to build an effective contribution culture.

During our quest to figure out the right, sustainable and long-term Drupal core contributions strategy, we came across one approach and that worked for us.
That is “Initiative Driven” contributions!!

In this session, we will discuss the following things:
- How we planned the team's hours towards meaningful contributions.
- Identifying skillset to align with the various Drupal initiatives.
- Taking ownership of the initiative and sharing activities with the team.
- Encouraging folks to participate and focus on certain initiatives based on skills and interests. That keeps folks motivated for contributions.


open web & community



When & Where

Tuesday, 5 October, 2021 - 09:30 to 09:50
Hopin - Room 4