Women in Drupal Luncheon

Jackie Wirz

Women—particularly women who have been further marginalized due to racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, classism, and other forms of discrimination—are underrepresented and often unheard in tech. A strong network and support system can be key to our professional success as well as our mental health.

Enjoy a dedicated program that addresses the needs and challenges of women in our community. Anyone who identifies as a woman/feminine-of-center is welcome (cisgender, transgender, and/or non-binary)! This is a closed event to those who RSVPd.

We are honored to host Jackie Wirz, Executive Director of Donate Life Northwest as our Women in Drupal Keynote:

Mental health and resiliency in a chaotic world - tales from a bipolar professional

In this open and vulnerable talk, Jackie Wirz will discuss her lived experience as a bipolar professional. She will touch on major issues regarding mental health in tech, with a focus on community. Mental health is a community issue, and mental illness is a community disease. Exploring intersectionality, identity, and our sense of self during these chaotic times, this talk aims to inspire participants to check in with themselves and their community and to take a moment to recognize the resilience that has seen us through today.

Additionally, we invite you to network, enjoy coffee and lunch, and perhaps make a new friend. Other ways to connect: Host or join a Women in Drupal birds of a feather group (BoF), organize a gathering at one of the receptions, or check out the #womenindrupal Slack channel.

When & Where

Wednesday, 27 April, 2022 - 12:00 to 13:00