It was great to meet you again!
Thanks for coming to DrupalCon Prague! 1168 of you attended the first in person DrupalCon in two years! Check out the event photos in our Flickr pool and add yours there too! The group photo as well as the photo booth pictures can be found there as well.
Watch the Driesnote and Initiative Leads keynotes
In his keynote, Drupal's project lead Dries Buytaert provided an update on Drupal 10's progress and the software's role in the future of the open web. Prior to that, the Drupal Initiative Leads keynote speakers let us peak into their work and goals. Recordings of both are available on the Drupal Association Youtube channel.
Dries Buyaert also published his keynote in the form of a blog post, check that out too.
Further session videos will be published in late October.
See you next year in Lille, 17-20 October 2023!
Save the dates! DrupalCon comes back to France in 2023 between 17-20 October! This time the Lille Grand Palais is our host venue in Lille. Easily accessible with only a 35 minute train ride from Brussels and 80 minutes from London by train. Meet our event mascot Lil' Rooster at DrupalCamps, Splash Awards and other Drupal events throughout Europe until then for a chance to win tickets to Lille!