DrupalCon Vienna t-shirts are back! - but there’s a catch.
Remember how we are making changes to DrupalCon Europe? These were hard decisions and some things we love we found just weren’t financially viable. Like free t-shirts. But one thing we heard a lot was “please don’t take away the t-shirts!”
We heard you. And while it doesn’t make financial sense to give free t-shirts to all attendees, we still want to be able to continue to offer them. So we’ve come up with a plan.
At DrupalCon Vienna, t-shirts will be offered to the following groups:
Individual Drupal Association members who register for DrupalCon Vienna between 5 - 16 June 2017. You must register in this two week window AND be an individual member of the Drupal Association.
Volunteers who work at least four (4) hours onsite in Vienna 26 - 29 September. You must check the volunteer box during registration and must show up on site to volunteer for four (4) hours or until released by event staff.
Volunteers part of the DrupalCon Program Team
Sprint Mentors
The fine print FAQ
I’m already a member, how do I make sure that I'll get a shirt?
If you are already an individual member, you get a t-shirt! BUT you MUST register in the first two weeks of ticket sales. Registrations after 16 June will not receive a t-shirt, member or not.
I’m not a member, can I do that during registration and still get a shirt?
Yes. If you are not a member you can become an individual member during your conference registration. You will be presented with a page during check-out that gives you the option to become a member.
I already registered but JUST saw this post! What do I do?
If you are a true early bird and register in the two weeks, but somehow missed this news post until after registering - that’s ok. As long as you become a member before the end of 16 June and you’ll still get a t-shirt.
The registration didn’t say anything about t-shirts or ask for my t-shirt size? What’s up?
After the 16 June cut-off date, eligible registrants will receive an email confirming their t-shirt along with a link to select their t-shirt size.
You got a session selected? Great!
We’ll refund your registration amount (but not your membership) and you get to keep the t-shirt. Our regular no-refund policy applies to all other sales.
You’re part of an organization that is buying a bulk amount of tickets for employees? Lucky you.
Your organization should provide you with an individual redemption code. You’ll need to redeem your individual registration before 16 June AND also be an individual member of the Drupal Association in order to get a t-shirt.
This news story is cross-posted on the Drupal Association Blog. To leave a comment, please do so on that post.