Virtual Reality on the Web - Overview and "How to" Demo
Heard of Google Cardboard, Daydream, Gear VR, Oculus Rift, or HTC Vive? Or heard of 'virtual reality' in your favorite movies or sci-fi?
Well now you can make that on the web using existing browser technologies, like!
We'll be going over:
- Overview of VR (and AR) concepts, technologies, and what it's uses are
- Google Cardboard
- Overview of Web VR technologies
- Introduction to A-Frame
- How to get started using A-Frame and making your own Web VR experiences
- Demonstration & code examples of site's we've made with VR
We'll get into some of the technical, but this session will be great for any background or skill level interested in Web VR.
Here is the most recent draft of the slides for this talk:
Session Track
Experience Level
Drupal Version
When & Where
Wednesday, 27 September, 2017 - 13:35 to 14:00
Lehar 2