Easy Out of the Box Day

Join Contribution

The Easy Out of the Box Initiative is making the editorial experience clear and empowering from the moment Drupal is installed by enabling Media, Layout Builder, and Claro in the default Drupal installation profile.

Right now, the Media and Layout Builder modules are stable, but they need more work to be enabled by default. The new administration theme, Claro, still needs a bit more work to get it to a place where everyone is comfortable calling it stable.

This initiative is important because media, layouts, and modern administration design are fundamental to creating a delightful user experience for everyone building with Drupal.

Join us at DrupalCon to learn more about Drupal’s layout tools, media handling, and a new, welcoming editorial experience. Then join us after the session content finishes in the contribution area to help build that experience


-- The Easy Out of the box Initiative leads


Meet the Initiative Team

Recommended Sessions

All recommended sessions given in Eastern Time
April 14 - 11:00 - 11:30 Easy out of the box Keynote - Mainstage
April 14 - 11:40 - 11:55 Easy Out of the Box Q&A
April 14 - 11:35 - 12:05 Migrating into Layout Builder
April 14 - 14:00 - 14:30 Get Off the Island: What We Can Learn From Craft CMS, Contentful, SquareSpace, and WordPress
April 14 - 14:00 - 14:30 Enterprise grade editorial experience with Drupal
April 14 - 14:40 - 15:10 A better Experience for Content Editors
April 14 - 14:40 - 15:10 Strategic User Experience - Stanford Case Study
April 14 - 15:00 - 19:00 Mentored Contribution


