Diversity and Inclusion
DrupalCon gathers a range of citizens of the Drupal ecosystem to learn, share, and collaborate together. The value of the conference is in the perspectives, energy and diversity of experiences participants share. No matter who you are or where you’re from, you’re invited to attend DrupalCon.
DrupalCon began setting goals to overtly increase diversity starting with DrupalCon Baltimore 2017. This continued in the planning of DrupalCon Nashville 2018, and is a priority for DrupalCon Seattle 2019. Our DrupalCon Inclusion Fund is allocated solely toward attendance of participants from underrepresented groups, and is funded higher than ever for 2019 in order to assure new and varied perspectives are on stage.
The results of these prior DrupalCons are promising. DrupalCon Nashville attendee Peta Hoyes said, “This DrupalCon was the most diversely attended technology conference I have ever seen in terms of the variance of women and people of color attending and speaking. I was completely blown away.”
When we say we want DrupalCons to be for everyone, we mean it:

What about during the conference?
The onsite experience at DrupalCon is positioned to be informative, inclusive, and engaging for all attendees. Every aspect of the conference is exponentially enhanced by the inclusion of more perspectives; from contribution hubs (sprints) to BoFs; and from sessions to social activities.
The work efforts at the contribution hubs (sprints) have a substantial and meaningful impact on the Drupal Project. The more diverse the contribution teams, the greater range of experience, viewpoints, and skill sets, leading to a Drupal crafted with many different voices. The Seattle program will also feature Inclusion BoFs, where those who identify with underrepresented groups have the option to gather. These are open-format discussions with no agenda, where attendees are encouraged to listen and discuss topics pertinent to that community.
Beyond the program components, DrupalCon and the Washington State Convention Center aim to be safe and welcoming for all participants. Planning details include: gender-neutral bathrooms, meals that accommodate a range of dietary needs, sign language interpreters, choosing a pronoun sticker to add to your name badge, stickers to indicate your communication preferences, a quiet space to serve as a getaway during the day, lanyards to opt out of photography, a women in Drupal luncheon, a diversity breakfast, and strict adherence to the Code of Conduct - a “coding standards for people” that directs all in attendance to interact respectfully.
The Code of Conduct was generally well-received at the last DrupalCon, as one attendee stated, "I appreciate the visibility and enforcement of the Code of Conduct for those who need it."
Your outreach helps
Please share this blog and reach out to potential attendees you'd like to encourage to take part in DrupalCon Seattle. Visit these additional resources: Drupal inclusion resource page and Dries’ blog post, Increasing Drupal contributions from underrepresented groups. With your support, we can cast a net reaching a wider and more inclusive audience!