改善 Kaizen! How to Convert Team Failures into Victories


Failure can sometimes be scary. However, it doesn't need to be.

A wise man once said that failure is the greatest teacher.

The skill of discovering what a failure can teach you/your team and converting that knowledge into future victories will turn the fear of failure into a thirst for knowledge and growth.

This presentation will discuss:

  • Kaizen: a concept from the Toyota Production System and how it can be used to positively impact team culture
  • '5 Whys' and Ishikawa Diagrams: processes that enable you to reveal root causes for failures
  • How to conduct a Blameless Post Mortem: analyse failure in an objective way as a team. We will discuss specifically how Acquia Site Reliability Engineering conducts their post mortems for incidents and creates a set of recommendations that will address process failures and root causes.
  • How to extract the maximum amount of value from sprint retrospectives (and why an Agile process is important for this)
  • Andon/Jidoka: how being extremely sensitive to failures can lead the way to a high-performing team

This presentation is intended for anyone who works in a team setting regardless of the nature of the work. Attendees will be equipped with skills that can be used immediately to implement continuous improvement processes on their teams.

Come one, come all!


Program tags

devops, leadership, process

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When & Where

Thursday, 11 April, 2019 - 15:15 to 15:45
Exhibit Stage | Level 4