A/B Testing with Google Optimize in Drupal

Shiraz Dindar

A/B testing is a low-hanging fruit, where minimal effort in randomizing elements of your site per visitor session provides valuable data as to which variants result in the most click-through. With Optimizely dropping its free tier and focused solely on enterprise, Google Optimize has arrived just in time, with a well-executed offering that ties in nicely with Google Analytics.

Getting Google Optimize running on your Drupal site has some potentially time-sucking, hair-pulling gotchas, but the simplest and best method is actually very easy and super quick, and I want to share that with you.

We will then login to Optimize and create an A/B test with variants on a button's text, demonstrating Google's spiffy Optimize extension for Chrome, where front-end variants are created in a matter of minutes. What's sweet is that at no point do you have to create changes in your site build itself -- the Optimize javascript executes the variants on the client-side.

After the test is setup, we will look at the results in Google Analytics. 

If time allows, we'll end with a quick overview on Google Optimize's other test types than A/B, including multivariate, redirect, and server-side. 

Expect a quick session with the 1-2-3 on how to get 'er done. 



Program tags

content strategy, site building, testing

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