Applying Object-Oriented Principles to Drupal Site Building


Can Object Oriented design principles be applied to Drupal 8 site-building? I believe they can! 

I began my Drupal career as a backend developer writing custom modules. More recently, I've evolved into a new role as a Drupal Solutions Architect. With this new role, my focus has changed to figuring out the best way to organize various Drupal elements into flexible solutions. I've found myself relying on the Object Oriented theory I learned in school to direct my site building efforts.

In this talk, I'll cover the 4 core principles of OOP (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism) and S.O.L.I.D design (Single responsibility, Open/closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, and Dependency inversion). We'll apply each principle to a site-building activity to discover ways we can deliver more flexible Drupal architectures. No coding necessary.

Who should attend?

This session is ideal for intermediate Site Builders who want to learn new ways of architecting flexible Drupal solutions with existing elements. You should be familiar with standard Drupal site building elements including entities and bundles (nodes, taxonomy terms, users etc), custom fields, blocks and regions, and basic views.

Programmers may also benefit by learning how a well-planned Drupal Architecture can significantly reduce the amount of custom code required in your project.

Program tags

architecture, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version