Automated Testing: Release the Bots!


Automated regression testing is a key component in modern web and application development. The benefit is being able to deploy new code without breaking existing functionality. Testing robots do the work while you sit back satisfied that your army of bots is making sure you're shipping code with more confidence.

However, in getting a testing program started, it's easy to get bogged down in figuring out what technologies and tools to use. Adding automated testing into your devops process can also be confusing and intimidating. It takes practice to design effective UI tests that provide coverage but aren't too brittle.

With this session we are going to run through the basics that will help you in getting an automated testing program started. We'll introduce you to some of our robot buddies we've been working with to increase testing coverage in deploying websites on Drupal 7 and 8.

Program tags

automation, devops, testing

Experience Level


Drupal Version