Automating visual testing in 15 minutes


In the early days of my startup, I had to wear a lot of hats. This included frontend design for the website and landing pages. Although WordPress made my life a lot easier, testing all those designs on different resolutions was still a nightmare.

These days bulk of this process can be easily automated using visual testing tools. Visual Regression testing takes a screenshot of a web page and compares it to a previously taken screenshot to see if the contents have changed. You can automate this for different screen sizes and quickly check if the site looks ok on desktop and mobile after making design changes.

In this talk, I'll introduce you to open-source tools and services which can help get started with visual regression testing.

We'll cover the following:

1. You'll be able to deploy design changes with confidence
2. You'll save hours testing the design on different devices
3. You'll reduce 'it looks right on my screen' issues.

Program tags

automation, front end development, testing

Experience Level


Drupal Version