Challenges in Migrating Data to Drupal 8 Entities


Migrating data into Drupal 8 can be challenging if you are using contrib or custom field modules, or if your new site has a different data structure from your old site. We will walk through strategies to understand and overcome challenges such as migrating Location data to Address fields; migrating node data to Paragraphs and attaching those Paragraphs to nodes; and keeping inline links and images from breaking when you migrate body text.

Attendees should be familiar with data structures such as tables, arrays, and objects. We will be working with YML and PHP code.

We will go through the steps of importing and exporting migration config files, customizing plugins, and migrating data from a variety of sources to a variety of entity types.

A shorter, less participatory version of this workshop was given at DrupalCorn 2018:

Program tags

architecture, back end development, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version