Check This Out! Using Drupal Commerce With External APIs


Commerce is a powerful tool for creating an online shopping experience with Drupal, but configuration can get tricky when the product data is managed in an external system. We will discuss ways to import product and customer data from external sources, how to add external products to the cart, and how to send checkout completion data to the external system. We will examine how these methods were used in creating a vehicle sticker renewal process for the Office of the Chicago City Clerk.

This session will cover:

Using Drupal Commerce and custom functions to pull personalized product data from a JSON API.
Adding external product information to the cart using the Commerce Cart API module and custom order item fields.
Creating a custom checkout experience with the external data using Javascript.
Using Drupal's RESTful services to send checkout completion data back to the external system.
This session is for:

Developers that are interested in incorporating external data into a Drupal Commerce implementation.
Site architects that would like to work with external data in a Drupal Commerce checkout experience.
Developers or site architects that are interested in sending checkout completion data to external systems.

Program tags

apis, back end development, javascript

Experience Level


Drupal Version