Composer more than just Dependency Management


Composer is becoming an ever more important component of the Drupal ecosystem. For the most part, even among developers that have fully adopted a composer based install/dependency management workflow, the full powers of composer are under utilized. Even for the basic install workflow, Composer is a still a fairly new topic for many developers.

Starting out with straightforward composer usage, then moving on to what to do when confronted with hosts that don't support Composer (Ludwig), with a live patching example.

Then diving into the more powerful features that can save time and do fun stuff with larger projects, covering how to create Composer plugins and scripts. Next, discussing some brief case studies/live usage examples of Composer scripts & plugins to wet attendees appetites as to what is not just possible but easily acheivable.

Finishing off with a live walkthrough of coding a site specific Composer script. Attendees are encouraged to bring computers and a fairly specific site/problem to code some simple automation and command line driven building/installing theme assets and similar.

Attendees should walk away with:

  • A good grasp of the possibilities enabled by composer
  • Understanding of composer based patching, semantic versioning and autoloading.
  • A grasp of the differences between the different Composer scripting options (Scripts, Plugin Commands and Events); when and why to use them and the limitations they each have.
  • (optionally) Their own Composer script

Moderate OOP PHP knowledge is recommended. Prior composer knowledge will help attendees get the most out of this session, but is not required.

Program tags

back end development, devops, php

Experience Level


Drupal Version