Constant Innovation through Continuous Deployment at the American Medical Association

Ann Dvoretsky

The American Medical Association’s (AMA) AMAOne unified platform aims to connect the organization’s major web entities and incorporates the work of numerous teams. As technologists, we’re often so focused on crafting code that we forget the reason why: to deliver a better experience for our users and help our business grow.

Formerly, QA testing and stakeholder review was dependent on bi-weekly deployments to the staging environment, a time-consuming, manual process performed by a lead developer.  Not only was this an inefficient use of development time, but this bottleneck limited a crucial feedback loop and delayed innovation. By leveraging both Acquia's Cloud Hooks and Scheduled Jobs, the AMA team has been able to automate nightly deployments to deliver encapsulated features quickly, close feedback loops, and innovate lightning fast.

Through daily delivery, we decrease the risk of releasing bugs with our features. The rapid innovation increases engagement with the business partners with daily review and testing. The collaborative innovation means a higher value user experience throughout the AMA and its members and physicians.

During this session, we’ll review how the AMA team is automating code releases, resetting passwords, migrating content and much more. At the end of the session attendees should understand how they can leverage Cloud Hooks and Scheduled Jobs to automate a number of tasks through Acquia and what that means for faster, higher quality delivery and engagement.

We are submitting a 30 minute session for this same topic as well.  This longer session will allow for time to dive deeper into some of the things that make this process work, including our external continuous integration tool (Travis CI), Drupal 8's configuration management capabilities, and the Config Installer installation profile.  

Program tags

automation, case study, devops

Experience Level


Drupal Version