Content Audits: The Road to Credibility


In a user-first world, content is the basis for ensuring great user experience. A content audit lays the groundwork for aligning organizational objectives with site visitor needs. It is the preparatory work for the site architecture, content model, and page layouts. It addresses content governance and the content creation process.

Additionally, a content audit can be a tool for building collaboration, credibility, and respect for the role of the content strategist on the web team. We can embrace and agree upon values, goals, and realities that set the stage early in the project for ongoing cooperation.

This session will provide content strategists both the understanding of how to conduct a content audit, as well as the insights for making the content audit a key tool for website collaboration.

You will learn how to:

  • Conduct the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the content audit.
  • Tie the audit to the needs of content creators for creating sustainable content.
  • Collaborate with all team members, with a fresh understanding of where content fits into a web project.
  • Build credibility within the organization for the practice of content strategy.

Audience: Intermediate level and above content strategists

Program tags

career development, content strategy, process

Experience Level


Drupal Version