Development Philosophy 101: Local Development, Starring Lando

.. you want to bring a new developer on at your company, and get them to work as fast as possible ..
.. you have a few developers using OSX, and a few on Windows ..
.. you need to quickly shift gears from your main project to help on something else ..
.. not all your clients can afford full-scale dev servers ..
.. then you probably want a local development solution.
A huge obstacle for many development teams is having a fast, portable and extensible set of tools for local development. But if the benefits are so huge, why is that such a struggle?
Philosophy. That's right, we can learn a thing or two about the importance of doing things right from those statues of old wine-drunk peoples' heads. Many teams who have the desire and the willingness to improve their processes fall short of their ideals because they don't first identify the reasons for those ideals.
My goal for this session is to explain why it's important to have a strong technical philosophy, and how that can inform all kinds of development decisions. We'll use local development as the case study. In addition to generally introducing the topic of local development, I'll compare a few options, and run through some brief real-world examples with "so hot right now" toolkit Lando.
Buckle up for some high-octane introspection! Okay, it's hard to make philosophy sound exciting – but I don't think we're allowed to drink wine in the sessions, so just come prepared to think deep thoughts and learn a little bit about Lando.

Program tags

big ideas, devops, process

Experience Level


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