DevOps: more than a buzzword


Is Docker required for DevOps? Can you buy DevOps from Microsoft? Does anyone really know what DevOps is?

This presentation by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps, delves deep into the topic of DevOps, and specifically how it applies to web projects like Drupal-based applications and websites.

Why should you trust Jeff Geerling? Well, the word 'DevOps' is in the title of his book, so he must know something about it... right? 

Before coming to this session you should know:

  • How you or your organization builds and releases Drupal sites.
  • Painful experiences deploying and maintaining Drupal sites.

You will learn from this session:

  • What 'DevOps' means.
  • How you can apply DevOps principles to your own work.
  • Why DevOps principles are important to making your sites better and you and your team happier.

Program tags

big ideas, devops, process

Experience Level


Drupal Version