Do it Live! (Sometimes) It's ok to just do it in prod


The configuration management system is a great asset to Drupal 8. However, for those of us that built multi-site platforms that shares a common install profile, common modules, and a common theme, configuration can cause major problems. These problems, of course, grow expontentially in the multi-site world, as monster builds with hundreds or thousands of sites rapidly become unsustainable if you have to manage configuration (like site name, or front page) for all of them

So can you even do this with Drupal 8? Is Drupal even the right tool to support a large platform? 

The answer to both questions is yes, but you have to change the way you think about configuration in Drupal 8. And you absolutely cannot do it with just core. You have to change the tools you use to manage your build to embrace contrib solutions that significantly enhance config. This talk will show you how!

Topics covered:

  • When should you build a common platform?
  • Desining scalable architectures for your platform
  • Using community tools to enahance your configuration strategy
  • Integrating that strategy into your continuous integration and automation processes

Who should attend?

Even though this talk is mostly about site building and configuration, it is a more advanced architectural topic. If you are an individual that is...

  • an architect or lead developer
  • a site builder / developer
  • planning a multi-site project / platform

Program tags

architecture, automation, process

Experience Level


Drupal Version