Decoupled Drupal Beyond Drupal: The node.js Story


The concept of decoupled Drupal has gone from a cutting edge technology to a fairly common approach to build digital experiences. We’ve been talking a lot about the Drupal tools involved in a decoupled project, but that's just one part of the story for the back-end. Come hear about what you’re missing. We never told you the whole story, now we will.

This session is not about using a JS framework for your application. This session is not about PHP and it’s not about Drupal. This is a session about a node.js server. In this session you will learn what it takes to deliver a performant, secure, robust, flexible, and production-ready back-end by making Drupal <3 node.js. Most importantly, you will learn to leverage and extend other purpose-built node.js code in your application, Drupal community style!

Key topics that we'll cover in the presentation:

  • Performance: how a node.js proxy and caching can improve the performance of your API.
  • Secure: how a node.js proxy can harden the security of your API.
  • Robust: how a fairly simple architecture can make your application more resilient.
  • Flexible: how you can extend your API's features using a node.js proxy.
  • Production-ready: how to manage processes to stay up and running.

To benefit most from this session, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of decoupled Drupal. Ideally, you already have experience deploying a decoupled Drupal project to production.

Program tags

architecture, decoupled, javascript

Experience Level


Drupal Version