Drupal Commerce Decoupled, Twice


Nowadays you can easily decouple your frontend from your Drupal backend to provide a more engaging user experience. It's also fairly common to use third party tools, like Snipcart or Stripe Checkout, to manage an e-commerce workflow so that there's pretty much nothing to develop, especially for simple sites with little to no backend. But what if you want to do both?

We've been down that road of integrating an e-commerce user experience for the website of Patrick Roger, a famous French chocolatier. The frontend, decoupled from the Drupal backend, uses Snipcart which is in turn integrated with the Drupal Commerce layer of the backend, allowing us to leverage the whole ecosystem of Commerce contribs and provide a unified back office while delivering a richer, nicer frontend user experience.

This is the case study of a decoupled, then decoupled again, e-commerce setup. The session will present the overall architecture and the key concepts. We’ll explain why and how we integrated Drupal Commerce, Angular.js & Snipcart and what was the outcome. There sure will be code and demos.

Program tags

ambitious digital experiences, decoupled, ux

Experience Level


Drupal Version