Flesh out your site by adding the spice of accessibility


At the first glance, Accessibility seems to be difficult to spell but it is not that difficult to accomplish. Most of the developers have inadequate knowledge about the accessibility which leads the developers to think that it is difficult to achieve or it will be a time investing affair.
Although, having the knowledge of HTML and CSS is good but you must need to go beyond the technologies to create the robust interfaces which are accessible and usable to everyone and to accomplish this, we need to use these technologies responsibly and consider the accessibility from the start of the project.

If you are exploring accessibility for the first time then the vastness of the topic can leave you mystified that where to start. So in this session, we will go step by step and help you to learn the techniques and methods which you can use as a developer to create the pleasant and accessible websites and maximize the reach of your site

Some take aways from this session-
1) What accessibility actually is and how we can implement to web development.
2) How to implement accessibility with minimal development impact using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
3) Some advanced techniques for creating polished accessible and usable experiences.
4) What parameters you should follow while auditing your site

Program tags

accessibility, beyond drupal, front end development

Experience Level


Drupal Version