Getting Real About Agile Through Continuous Improvement

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What if leadership wasn't a just small group within your organization, but was instead an activity that everyone in the organization continuously improved at? What if your whole team consistently had the courage to be open with each other about how they'd change things for the better? What if they naturally listened and committed to focus on bringing about their own continuous improvement?

Being agile includes being a learning engine. When we learn, we improve. With improving continuously, at a sustainable pace, being at the heart of agility, this workshop introduces concepts and techniques to reliably engage in your own continuous improvement as part of an agile team.

For improving team agility, the workshop will evaluate, as a group, a collection of agility statements within a continuous improvement model. Recording an initial baseline and tracking for improvement over time will be facilitated. The workshop concludes with an exercise of discussions about the statements which were determined to be areas of focus by the continuous improvement group evaluation.


  • Introductory concepts
  • Group evaluation of Agile statements
  • Group discussion of, and approach to, Agile statements needing improvement
  • Conclusion discussions of outcomes

Attendees, of any expertise, will leave with an understanding of how agile methods can be applied to their context to help continuously improve, as part of a self organized team, getting the right work done faster.

Program tags

leadership, people mgmt, process

Experience Level


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