Drupal Contributions - A Pragmatic Approach to the Issue Queue


Come for the code, stay for the community.

Drupal thrives on community contributions in the form of patches and documentation to both contributed modules and core. This helps the project move forward and stay relevant.

Not everyone who works on open source projects is a senior developer. Smaller tasks help the less experienced gain confidence and experience, which, in turn, leads to more contributions. Code is very important, but so are all the other parts. Contributing back to Drupal helps folks to become better developers. A more polished Drupal leads to a better overall experience.   

But how does one become a contributor? We’ll discuss what we can do as a community to help foster new contributors and keep the ones we already have.

There will also be a lightning round demonstrating the process of creating an issue, writing a patch, uploading the fix to Drupal.org, and then reviewing the patch for RTBC (reviewed and tested by the community). We'll even take a look at the upcoming GitLab contribution process, because specific tools and processes change over time.

Program tags

career development, community, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version