Getting started with Drupal Workshop


This workshop is aimed at people just starting with Drupal. Basic concepts will be explained and later put into practice. The objective is that someone, who might not even know about Drupal, can understand the different concepts and building blocks to create a website. By the end of the day, a simple yet fully functional website will be built.

The workshop focus on Drupal 8, but most of the concepts also apply to previous versions. Anything specific to Drupal 8 will be noted as such.

Learning objectives:

  • Step through Drupal installation process.
  • Create nodes and content types.
  • Configure fields of different types.
  • Display listings of content using views.


A working Drupal 8 installation. It does not have to be on your machine. Online services can be used.

Setup instructions:

It is recommended to use a hosting provider that offers free test Drupal 8 installations. For example

Program tags

content strategy, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version